Vi kommer ikke uden om det: den kunstige intelligens er på vej ind i redaktionslokalerne, og kan allerede nu være med til at lette journalistens daglige rutiner – og udfordre vores idéer om hvad journalistik er. Som Charlie Beckett, der er professor ved London School of Economics, stifter af forskningstænketanken Polis og ansvarlig for det store forskningsprojekt JournalismAI siger, så skal vi ikke frygte, at robotterne kommer til at overtage journalistikken. Men det betyder ikke, at kunstig intelligens ikke kommer til at ændre ved den måde som journalistikken bliver lavet på.
Charlie Beckett skriver i indledningen til deres rapport New powers, new responsibilities A global survey of journalism and artificial intelligence fra 2019: “Yes, the machines might soon be able to do much routine journalism labour. But the reality and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data processing is to give journalists new powers of discovery, creation and connection. The hope is that journalists will be algorithmically turbo-charged, capable of using their human skills in new and more effective ways. AI could also transform newsrooms from linear production lines into networked information and engagement hubs that give journalists the structures to take the news industry forward into the data-driven age.”
Det er denne journalistiske fremtid, vi gerne vil gå i møde i Nye Medier. Til dette års Festival for nye medier stiller vi derfor spørgsmålet: Hvordan ser fremtiden for AI i redaktionslokalerne ud? Og hvordan kan vi allerede nu imødekomme den fremtid og forsøge at gribe det potentiale, som den kunstige intelligens kan give journalistikken?
Q&A: "Der var et før og et efter ChatGPT"
Selma Marthedal @ Digital Democracy Center, SDU
"Jeg tror, at de klassiske nyhedsformater er ved at ændre sig. For at holde på de unge nyhedsbrugere må nyhedsorganisationer tænke i utraditionelle baner og bruge AI-personliggjorte algoritmer for at holde på deres unge publikum. Herudover er det uundgåeligt at tale om chatbots indflydelse på nyhedsproduktionen. Der var et før og et efter ChatGPT, også i journalistik, og det er derfor vigtigt at undersøge, hvilke implikationer, det har, for journalistiske jobs, professionel journalistiske værdier og på journalisternes overordnede jobtilfredshed.”
—Selma Marthedal
FOTO: Selma Marthedal & Ida Ebbensgaard @ FESTIVAL FOR NYE MEDIER
Rettigheder: Mikkel Inumineq / Dansk Journalistforbund
"The future impact of AI is uncertain but it has the potential for wide-ranging and profound influence on how journalism is made and consumed. AI can free up journalists to work on creating better journalism at a time when the news industry is fighting for economic sustainability and for public trust and relevance. It can also help the public cope with a world of news overload and misinformation and to connect them in a convenient way to credible content that is relevant, useful and stimulating for their lives."
Q&A: "Det er min kæphest, at mediebranchen ikke skal ende som i halvfemserne"
Tav Klitgaard @ Zetland
"Good Tape’s mission is to let you focus on what matters most by providing the best transcription service possible. We offer a simple and user-friendly path to turning audio files into precisely transcribed text. Our tech-driven solution saves hours of tedious work, allowing you to use that time to, hopefully, make the world a better place."
—Zetland/Good Tape
Rettigheder: Mikkel Inumineq / Dansk Journalistforbund
“Og så er det min kæphest, at mediebranchen ikke skal ende som i halvfemserne, hvor man lod teknologiselskaber løbe med udviklingen. Vi har altid været og skal fortsat være teknologiselskaber, og det kræver, at vi tør lege med og er på udkig efter brugerbehov, vi kender, og som vi kan løse.”
—Tav Klitgaard
Rettigheder: Mikkel Inumineq / Dansk Journalistforbund
RAPPORT: Generating Change – A global survey of what news organizations are doing with AI
"If we are serious about benefiting from AI in an equitable manner, it is imperative that we adopt a power-conscious framing of global AI development and adoption."
—Mira Yaseen
FOTO: Workshop med Mia Sahl, Google News Lab @ FESTIVAL FOR NYE MEDIER
Rettigheder: Mikkel Inumineq / Dansk Journalistforbund
Anbefaling: Recommended for You: How Newspapers Normalise Algorithmic News Recommendation to Fit Their Gatekeeping Role
Selma Marthedal
"This study contributes with in-depth knowledge on how algorithmic news recommendation is adopted within the Scandinavian daily press and how notions of gatekeeping affect the use of these systems. News recommender systems provide news organisations with new opportunities to offer more relevant and personalised news experiences, but their increasing use has also raised several concerns about whether and how algorithms should undertake important editorial decisions."
—Lynge Asbjørn Møller
Rettigheder: Mikkel Inumineq / Dansk Journalistforbund
“Based on a reception analysis with in-depth qualitative interviews (N = 12), this study explores how Danish radio listeners receive a full news broadcast read by a neural voice and perceive the credibility of the neural reader and the news content. Results show that the participants divide into two types: the perspicacious listeners who realize or suspect that the news reading is artificially synthesized and, to some degree, are annoyed by it, and the oblivious listeners who believe the news is read by a human and are predominantly positive towards it."
—L. Heiselberg, J. N. Blom & A. van Dalen
FOTO: Anne Sofie Christensen-DAlsgaard, Allan Thulstrup & Jørn broch @ FESTIVAL FOR NYE MEDIER
Rettigheder: Mikkel Inumineq / Dansk Journalistforbund